Advance Medical Directive (AMD)

What is an AMD – An AMD is a legal document that allows a person to state and register his wish in advance that he does not wish to be subjected to extraordinary life-sustaining treatment in the event when he is suffering from a terminal illness and is unconscious or [...]

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Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

What is a LPA – This legal document allows a person (the Donor) to voluntarily appoint another person (the Donee) to make decisions on the Donor’s behalf should the Donor lose his mental capacity in the future and be unable to make such decisions by himself. It takes effect when [...]

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What is a Will – a Will is an express declaration made by a person (known as the “Testator” or “Testatrix”) as to how his / her property / properties are to be distributed when he / she dies. Henceforth, for ease, reference to the male gender includes the female [...]

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